Wednesday, 8 April 2015


Safety Recommendations for Residential Areas
All they want is to instill fear in you, so do not satisfy their ego.  Continue with normal activities but be watchful for suspicious activities.  Enjoy individual freedom and participate freely in travel, work and recreational activities. Below are the safety recommendations if the terror threats involve residential areas.

 Ø  Keep all helpline numbers such as numbers of hospitals, blood banks, police stations, etc. they always come in handy in times like this
Ø  As a safety precaution please create an emergency communications plan and review it from time to time; in this case choose an out of town contact one who is far enough that would unlikely be directly affected by the same event.  This out of town contact is so that your family or household will call or e-mail to check on each other should a disaster occurs.  They should beware that are the chosen contact. The contact numbers should also be left at your children school and your work place. 
Ø  Develop a contingency plan with your family of what you would all do in the event of a catastrophic emergency. Determine a preplanned meeting spot, and make sure that all who are in your group know how to get to that point.
Ø  Do forget to assemble a disaster supplies kit. You wouldn’t want to be running to food store in time of a catastrophe to look for something.  Include "special needs" items for any member of your household (infant formula or items for people with disabilities or older people), first aid supplies (including prescription medications), a change of clothing for each household member, a sleeping bag or bedroll for each, a battery powered radio or television and extra batteries, food, bottled water and tools. It is also a good idea to include some cash and copies of important family documents (birth certificates, passports and licenses) in your kit.
Ø  Copies of essential documents-like powers of attorney, birth and marriage certificates, insurance policies, life insurance beneficiary designations and a copy of your will-should also be kept in a safe location outside your home. A safe deposit box or the home of a friend or family member who lives out of town.
Ø  I know at times these attacks happen so fast and people are caught unaware but always be prepared to evacuate with your emergency supplies kit
Ø  If you have children in daycare, or school, determine a head of time who will be picking them up, and have a backup plan if possible.
Ø  Keep your mobile phone charged and make sure that you will not run out of balance on such tricky situation.
Ø  Learn what critical facilities are located in your community and report suspicious activities at or near these sites.
Ø  Increase individual or family emergency preparedness through training.  Take a first aid and CPR classes; in case of terrorist attack at least the uninjured ones can be able to help the injured.  
Ø  Avoid passing unsubstantiated information and rumors.
Ø  Network with your family, neighbors, and community for mutual support during a disaster or terrorist attack.
Ø  Know what hazardous materials are stored in your home and how to properly dispose of unneeded chemicals.
Ø  Volunteer to assist and support the community emergency response agencies.

When terrorists are planning to attack a certain area, most of the plans are usually undertaken at residential areas so be keen around your neighborhoods and report any suspicious activity.  

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